and Collier Calandruccio Fine Art
Collier Calandruccio Fine Art
Objets, Tapestries, and Rugs
Case Furniture
Clocks, Mirrors, and Lights
Collier Calandruccio Fine Art
Objets, Tapestries, and Rugs
Case Furniture
Clocks, Mirrors, and Lights
Period French Art Deco Cabinet in Plum Pudding Mahogany and Bronze Doré
18th Century George II Mahogany Secretary Bookcase
18th Century Georgian Mahogany Chest on Chest
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Late Grecian Plain style Duncan Phyfe secretary bookcase
Diminutive George I Highboy
Mid-18th Century Tiger Oak Livery Armoire
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George III Parcel-Gilt Secretary Bookcase with Provenance
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Brass-studded Bombay Chest
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French Deco Rosewood Cabinet
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Regency Secretary Bookcase
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19th Century Classical Charles X Burled Secretaire a Abattant
Sale Price:
Original Price:
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Early 19th Century American Mahogany Bowfront Sheraton Chest, School of McIntire
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18th Century American Mahogany Chippendale Chest, circa 1770
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Large Federal Bachelor's Chest
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George III flame mahogany Secretary Bookcase
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Neoclassical Secretaire Abattant
Sale Price:
Original Price:
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Federal Bachelors Chest
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Austrian Biedermeier Rosewood Armoire
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Eastlake Burl Walnut Armoire
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Boston Regency Chest
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